Tuesday, September 4, 2007


I just done been told that I be excepted to tha university of Fielding where they gonna learn me real good on the Integral stuff.

I have been accepted to Fielding Graduate University to earn a Certificate in Integral Studies, the credits from which can then be applied to the Concentration in Integral Studies in Fielding's Master's Program in Organization Management & Development.

So, basically, I'm a student again. It's online, so I avoid the much dreaded classroom, but I am still in school. Which seems a bit weird to me. But, I figure I spend enough time studying this stuff anyways, I might as well get credit for it.


  1. well hey ho congratumalations!
    i'm glad that my web design worked ;)

  2. Treat yourself to taking a detailed look at the program devins getting into, it's great stuff.

    D, I'm wicked proud of you taking the plunge & being an inspiration.

  3. Please tell how you came to choose this program, how it was brought to your attention, alternatives?

  4. Integral Institute has accredited programs with two universities. Fielding and JFK. Fielding sent me an invite to a conference call that Ken was supposed to be on (he wasn't), the call was canceled, but I missed the cancellation notice and ended up calling in and talking to someone in admissions. I asked about being accepted to a graduate program without a bachelor's and he said that it had happened in the past. So I sent in a formal appeal for acceptance. My application is actually a website that Tony helped me build. It's at www.integralapplication.com .

  5. devin

    congrats on this great news!! piece of cake huh?


