Internet Protocol (IP) addresses
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Structured Query Language (SQL) Database Administrator (DBA)
Distributed File System Replication
Domain Name System
Security Access Request Forms (SARF)
NetBios Name Resolution
Microsoft Terminal Services Client (MSTSC)
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
WINS Resolution (Windows Internet Naming Service)
Dynamic Host Resolution Protocol (DHCP) Reservation
Quality of Service (QOS) Management
Communications Interface Module (CIM)
Hosts File
Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID)
Why do I have any familiarity with these things?
Amazing what we fill our heads with. I thought I opted out of the desk life for a blue collar job. Seems my career has morphed on me. Shit, I thought I had a day job, took me a while to even consider it a career. I used to spend my days filthy at construction sites, crawling under houses pulling cable, drilling concrete while standing on the very top of a ten foot ladder, hanging cameras, wiring card readers and control panels, contacting windows and doors, adjusting motion detector sensitivity, hanging intercoms and terminating cables on DVR's. Now I write a lot of emails, spend hours on the phone, go on sales calls, act as a consultant, oversee others and take people out to dinner. Some times I miss the simplicity of completing a task with my hands, my thinking mind shut off or absorbed with something finite, entering that flow state that being good at manual labor allows; drawing blood and feeling my muscles ache, knowing that the dirt is so ground into the lines in my hands that there is no way they will be clean today......and leaving it all behind when the work day is over.
I spent the week in Charlotte, NC coordinating the installation of a disaster recovery solution for a nationwide access control system for a Fortune 100 company. Funny how these things work out.
The weather was nice and their campus is rather beautiful in parts.